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A Natural Therapist (Chinese Doctor) Advertisement

All in Chinese, this advertisement is about a well known natural therapist or Chinese Doctor from Guangzhou, China who is opening a new clinic at No.39, Anderson Road, Ipoh. A specialist in prescriptive acupuncture, he is also a columnist for the Chinese newspaper(Jian-kuo-re-bao). His consultation hours are from 2pm to 5pm.
Ipoh Remembered adds:
If memory serves … this acupuncture clinic was located near the junction of Anderson Road and Brewster Road. The building still exists, but I was never a patient so I can’t say much about the proprietor or his practice.
But about the location: In earlier days, a car dealership was opened near that same junction. Times were good and business boomed. A much larger show-room was built on Brewster Road. At one point the owner even had plans to build a large hotel (the Grand had shut down near the end of the First War and the hotel at the railway station was always, always, always full). But before this new hotel could be built, the car business faltered; the owner sold it and moved to Singapore. The show-room building on Brewster Road is still there (more or less) but the original shophouse on Anderson Road was demolished and replaced many years ago.
The proprietor of the car dealership was a Mr. Metcalfe. His wife was French.