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Chin Peng – My Side Of History (Chinese Version)
But the enticements failed. To extinguish the revolutionary flames thereafter ignited by the Chin Peng-led Communist Party of Malaya (CPM), Britain embarked on a 12-year military campaign which, for insurance purposes, was labelled an “Emergency” rather than the war it was. The proclaimed war hero was labelled a ‘terrorist leader’ and huge rewards were offered for his capture – dead or alive.
Chin Peng joined the CPM in January 1940, aged only 15 and still in school. His commitment to the communist cause, the pre-war anti-colonial struggle against Britain and, eventually, guerrilla warfare against the Japanese invaders saw him propelled rapidly to senior positions within the CPM party structure. Immediately following the Japanese surrender, Chin Peng was appointed to the Central Committee and, ultimately, his party’s policy-making Politburo, aged 21. By June 1948, the Malayan Emergency erupted and Chin Peng, four months shy of his 24th year, became the British Empire’s most wanted man.