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Press Article, Illustrious Son Of Sungai Siput

This is an article taken from the New Straits Times on Friday, 31.8.2007. The headline reads “Illustrious Son of Sungai Siput”. This article aptly describes Tun V. T. Sambanthan, a good-hearted, unpretentious, scrupulous and honest man who led the Indians in the fight for an independent Malaya. The article also tells us about Sungai Siput which was once a communist hotspot but now a thriving town. The picture on the top left shows P. Arunsalam who was an old friend of Tun V. T. Sambanthan, while the picture at the bottom left hand corner shows the 105-year-old house where Tun V. T. Sambanthan was born. The portrait picture shows Tun V. T. Sambanthan who had the wellbeing of all people of all races at heart. The landscape picture on the right shows Sungai Siput which has seen development of infrastructure and public amenities only in the last 20 years. The three pictures below show See Kuan Poh (left), K. Paramasivam (middle) and N. Subramaniam.
Read the article via this pdf link.