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A Visit Malaya Tourism Poster For Orient Year 1961, Coincident With The Orient Year Grand Prix

This poster measuring 102cmx62.5cm, was found in London and was presumably part of the Malayan Tourist Board's efforts to encourage the British to visit Malaya as part of the 1961 Orient Year, which involved Thailand, Indonesia and Malaya.
It features a Malay woman dressed in her Kebaya and her shawl and a series of small pictures featuring different views of the country. Perak is represented by the Ubudiah Mosque in Kuala Kangsar.
At that time Singapore was still part of Malaya and Motor racing took off in a big way with the first Grand Prix in 1961. It was called the Orient Year Grand Prix and was held for the first time on a designated stretch of Upper Thomson Road.
In 1962, the race was renamed the Malayan Grand Prix When Singapore gained independence in 1965 it became the 1966 Singapore Grand Prix while Malaysia held two, one timed around the Singapore Grand Prix in March/April and another in September, called the Malaysian Grand Prix and the Selangor Grand Prix respectively.
To read about the Johor Grand Prixm click here.
To see a set of four rare, hand painted posters for Orient Year, click here.