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Tin Animal Money, The Crocodile - (1)

The pictures above show three tin ingots in the shape of a crocodile, typical of those from Perak and recognised universally as Perak Animal Money. Each would have the value of a small fraction of one tin cent based on the amount of tin by weight which could be exchanged for one Spanish Silver dollar.
Referring to the above pictures, no real reason has been found for the selection of a crocodile as a tin ingot, other than they were at one time (in the animistic days) seen as very special creatures by those of the Malay and Orang Asli races. They were also of course common to the rivers of Malaya.
The image above left is a very crude example and probably earlier than the others in the collection, say 1650 whereas the example above right is finely crafted and must be a much later version at say 1850. However it has been suggested that this one is actually from Malacca or Selangor, rather than Perak. The last image is a document which confirms the origins of this crocodile ingot.
To read about the history of Perak Tin Animal Money, click here.
To see more tin money crocodiles in our collection, click here.