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Scorpio : The Communist Eraser

This is the personal story of the author who served in the Special Branch of the Royal Malaysian Police Force for a third of a century and from where he retired as its Deputy Director of Operations. The Malaysian Special Branch was the only legally established government agency charged with the procurement of intelligence against the Communists who waged two wars known as Emergencies (1948 - 1960) and (1970 - 1990) against the Malayan/ Malaysian government. Malaysia is the only country in the world to have defeated militant communism and Datuk Dr Leong Chee Woh was personally and directly involved in the procurement of intelligence and eliminating a large number of militant communists and subversive elements under the control of the Communists.
As General Vo Nguyen Giap is acknowledged as a foremost strategist of insurgency warfare, so Leong Chee Woh may be acknowledged as a foremost strategist of counter insurgency warfare. In this personally and professionally revealing book, the author also established his credentials as a brilliant tactician who convincingly destroys the myth of the inevitability of victory for the proponents of "peoples' revolutionary war". This book will be enjoyed by all who have an interest in the history of insurgency in Malaya/Malaysia during the turbulent years of the 2 Emergencies.
Although there have been other books written about the insurgency periods, this book is the first of its kind where the stories are all first hand, coming from a local Malaysian who was directly involved. The author has few rivals in first-hand experience and professional credentials to tell the story of the routing of the Communist Party of Malaya. In this remarkable book the author introduces the reader to the shadowy world of covert counter-insurgency in which the protagonists are revealed, warts and all.
This is the first book of a series which currently numbers four.
To read about the second book in this series, click here.
To read a summary about the Malayan Emergency and see a short video, click here.