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The Jennings' Collection : J A S Jennings, With The Sultan Of Perak And Mrs Jennings
Thumbnail :
Subject :The Jennings' Collection : J A S Jennings, with the Sultan of Perak and Mrs Jennings
Published By : None
Location : Ipoh, Perak
Estimated Year : 1929
Media Type : Photograph
Source : Nicholas Jennings, Toronto, Canada
Remark :
The picture on the left shows J A S Jennings (in a hat) standing next to the Sultan of Perak, Sultan Iskandar Shah al-Kaddasullah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Marshid al-Azam Shah Rahmatullah. This picture was taken in 1929.
The picture in the middle shows Jennings and his wife Freda at the races, taken in 1926.
The picture on the right shows Jennings and Freda all dressed up for a fancy-dress, at Ipoh (in 1911).
Filename : 20110129-005