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The Moss Collection : Streets And Buildings (Taiping And Around Malaya) 3

Thumbnail :

Subject :The Moss Collection : Streets And Buildings (Taiping And Around Malaya) 3
Published By : None 
Location : Taiping, Perak
Estimated Year : 1900
Media Type : Photograph
Source : Bernard Moss, Ipoh, Perak
Remark :

The pictures show different views of Kota Road, Taiping.

The picture in the centre is of the Police Station at Kota Road. The station also doubled as a fire station at one time, deploying the first fire brigade in the FMS. The men who served were from the Perak Armed Police and later the Malay States Guides. This police station was built in 1881. The original structure was timber; later a small brick structure was added, with chamfered slits. This keep also had a Victorian-style tower, and octahedral spire and a weather cock - thus becoming a well-known landmark in Taiping.

These pictures were taken by Percival Moss, a tailor who sewed uniforms for the Malay States Guides and other military organisations.

To go to Part 4, click here.

To know more about Percival Moss, click here.

Filename : 20110806-028