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The Construction And Subsequent Use Of The Lam Looking Building - Part 1.

The famous Lam Looking Building was commissioned by Towkay Lam Look Ing a famous miner.
It was originally designed by the firm of architects Keys & Dowdeswell, for whom Berthel Michael Iversen first worked when he came to Singapore in 1930. However the firm had to leave Singapore (in the early 30's) in disgrace, after the Board of Architects found them guilty of professional misconduct and struck them off the register. Iversen then took over the jobs that were under construction as an independent company, B M Iversen - Architect.
This was not an easy time for Iversen, who, at 25 years old became his own master for the first time in his life. He had to pay for the ‘goodwill’ and no longer received a monthly salary. However, he saw this a great opportunity and wrote to his wife, in May 1931 :
"Fortunate as always, I have just managed to get a big job for $150,000 - even though I have to say so myself - a very smart business transaction, the Lam Looking Building."
Gradually, as the Lam Looking Building took shape, things started to improve for Iversen, he got more and more work and by 1932 he was well established, making a name for himself. From this period he really came into his own and started producing work that became landmark buildings.
The photographs above show :
On the left, a photograph of Laxamana Road with an arrow and a handwritten note that says "Site for Lam Looking Building, Laxamana Road, Ipoh".
On the right is the Keys & Dowdeswell drawing of their proposed, stylish Art Deco building design.
Construction started in 1931.
To go to Part 2, click here.
To read more about Towkay Lam Look Ing, click here.
To read more about B M Iversen, click here.