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Leong Fu, Champion Of The World - Part 06 – He Receives The Blessing Of His Mother

This scan of a newspaper cutting published in the Singapore Tiger Standard on October 30th 1957 carries the Headline "After Ten Years, Mother's Blessing for a Chinese Champ".
The story relates how Leong mad a quick dash back to Ipoh from London as he wanted his Mother's blessing for his forthcoming fight with the Malayan Terror "King Kong" at the Happy World Stadium in Singapore the following Saturday. It had been ten years sice they had met as they had parted in Hing Kong, he going to find his wrestling fortune in America and Europe while she returned to Ipoh.
Acclaimed overseas as "The Greatest Chinese Wrestler in the World, The forthcoming fight was to be his first in Singapore and a stepping stone to the World Championship.
To go to Part 07, click here.