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(Please click on the thumbnail for a bigger image.)
The JWW Birch Memorial Clock Tower - The Painted Panels

The dertails of the four panels illustrative of the growth of civilisation that are high up on the four sides of the tower may be found by clicking on the ipohWorld original e-Book link below.
The PDF article refers to one figure being removed. This was an image of Mohammad (pbuh)
The man whose image was later removed in flowing Arab costume with a pretty distinct beard; in one hand he held a book with a star and crescent on it, while in the other hand he carried an unsheathed sword, short and curved.
The Muslim protests against the image began in 1956; the image was removed about two years later, in 1958.
To read more about J W W Birch click here.
To read more about the Birch Memorial Clock Tower click here.
To read about the removal of the Prophet and the removal of the bust of Birch, click here.