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A Loaded Bullock Cart

Thumbnail :

Subject :A Loaded Bullock Cart
Published By : The Federal Rubber Stamp Co, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Ipoh and Singapore 
Location : Kinta Valley
Estimated Year : 1920
Media Type : Photograph
Source : Ian Anderson, Ipoh / Kinta Properties Group
Remark :

This photograph shows a very traditional Northern Malaya bullock cart (quite different to the Malacca style) being pulled by two bullocks, one being much larger than the other. The road is wide and lined with coconut palms behind metal fencing. Clearly this is no country lane, but must have been a main highway at the time. The driver is urging the bullocks to a greater speed with his stick and the cart is well loaded with full sacks.

In the late 19th Century and the first years of the 20th century, there were two principal modes of transport in Kinta for carrying heavy loads, the Elephant and the Bullock Cart. All cattle were imported into Malaya from India,not generally to provide milk and meat, but to pull carts.

This was the bullock's station in life and they were to be seen on every track and lane carrying goods of one sort or another from place to place. Able to withstand great heat and with an oily skin that appeared to repel insects they were ideal animals for the job.

To read more about a brief history of elephants, click here.

To read about the history of Ipoh's transport in e-Book form, click here.

Filename : 20070730-067