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An Article From The Cold Storage Company Social And Sports Magazine - Second Talentime Competition And A Picnic

This article was published in Cold Storage Group of Companies’ Social and Sports Scrapbook in the year 1961:
In view of the tremendous support for the first Talentime, the previous year, the Second competition was held on 6th May 1961 at St. John’s Church Hall, Ipoh. The photographs show, top to bottom:
Messrs M B Raman, Chan Mun Soon and Yeoh Chim Kheng in a comical sketch.
Ivan O'Hara (second place) singing with the Melody Makers Band in the background.
Khoo Boo Har (Winner) with guitar accompianment.
The second part of the article at the bottom of the page shows two scenes from the preparations for and the actual picnic held on 13th August 1961 at Teluk Murah, Lumut, Perak.
To see a brief history of the Cold Storage Company, click here.