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Brother Pius Kelly - Ninth Brother Director Of St Michael’s Institution

Brother Pius joined SMI as Sub-Director in 1948 and was reappointed Director in 1955 in place of Brother Denis. It was under his directorship that the primary schools were greatly developed for, in 1957, SMI Primary became a separate school with its own headmaster, Mr. Lim Guan Choe and 2 years later, it again evolved, this time being split into two schools - Primary 1 and Primary 2, with Mr Teh Swee Kang, as headmaster for Primary 2. Finally, in Brother Pius’s final year, 1960, the primary schools had their own building.
He is also remembered for making extra-curricular activities compulsory- so that all would benefit from this extra experience. Hence the organisations like the Scouts, Cadet Force and the St John Ambualnce Brigade took on hundreds of new members. In addition to widen the interest a Judo Society and a Fencing Club were founded and became very popular.
Cultural pursuits were also encouraged under Brother Pius and debating and dramatics flourished during his time. Nonetheless sports were not forgotten either and there were many SMI successes, the most notable being the winning of the King's Cup, the premier Badminton trophy in 1959 and 1960.
However, Brother Pius did not forget the main school and among his many improvements a more spacious library, named the 'Marian library", was developed in 1958, with new book cases and individual desks for students. A popular, kind and understanding Director he was given a great send-off on his last day. He was replaced by Brother Ultan Paul.
More about Bro Pius can be found at http://www.e-lasallian.org
To read more about Brother Denis, click here.
To read more about Lim Guan Choe, click here.
To read more about Brother Ultan Paul, click here.
To read more about St Michael’s Institution, click here.