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Gathered For Chinese New Year - The Ho Family Of Batu Gajah

Thumbnail :

Subject :Gathered for Chinese New Year - The Ho Family of Batu Gajah
Published By : None 
Location : 1 Market Street, Batu Gajah
Estimated Year : 1950
Media Type : Photograph
Source : Ho Hoo Wan, Ipoh
Remark :

These photographs show members of the Ho Family, descendants of Ho Yuk Phooi who built the bungalow shown behind the groups.

From top to bottom, left to right can be seen:

  • A group photo of all who gathered that day with 1, Market Street as the backdrop. Our donor Ho Hoo Wan is standing second from the left in the front row.

  • Ho Et Wan posing with one of the family cars, a Hillman (probably the Minx) registration AA 9372.

  • Ho Chee Wan and Laura Lee also taking their turn to pose with the same car.

  • The ladies present that day, neatly dressed in the traditional SamFoo (Samfu) in many different colours and patterns. Behind them the men are barely visible.

  • To read more about Ho Yuk Phooi and his family, click here.

    Filename : 20100110-014