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Ipoh’s First Newspaper – The Times Of Malaya
The picture shows the front of the first edition of Times of Malaya; which was Ipohs first newspaper.
The Times of Malaya: Planters and Miners Gazatte released their first publication on 9th March 1904.
In the early 1930s the Times of Malaya moved into their new premise at Brewster Road. Sadly, after Jennings’ death, the paper declined rapidly; it was eventually bought over by Straits Times Press Pte Ltd (who also bought the Pinang Gazette) in November 1936. Times of Malaya eventually merged with the Straits Echo in 1938 and thus the newspaper came to be known as the Straits Echo and The Times of Malaya.
To read more about The Times of Malaya, click here.
To see a picture of The Times of Malaya building, click here.
To read an article about J A S Jennings, written by his son, click here.