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The Living Room Of Charles Alma Baker's Residence

This photograph reproduced from 'Imperial Patriot', with kind permission from the author, Barrie Macdonald, shows the large downstairs living room of Baker's residence. It took up the majority of the ground floor and was well furnished with a dining table that could easily seat 12 (cooled by a punkah) several sofas and easy chairs, Chinese antiques and a full sized billiard table at the far end. Later the room was adorned with trophies from Baker's hunting and game fishing hobbies.
Alma Baker was born in Otago, New Zealand and came to Perak in 1890. Initially, he was contracted to do survey works for the Perak government before the contract was terminated in 1897 after the accuracy of his surveys forced an Inquiry into his activities.
His most lucrative mining concession at Gunung Lanno financed his involvement in rubber plantations.
In 1894, Alma Baker built a fine house facing the Racecourse. He brought in Ceylonese builders for his imposing new house at 3, Changkat Road, opposite the race course. This house was said to be designed to challenge the splendour of the District Magistrate's residence.
Later he built a second home on Kinta Vallet Estate.
There is much more to tell about Alma Baker, much of which can be found in other articles in this archive.
To read more about the Baker's residence, click here.
To read more about the Charles Alma Baker and his wife, click here.
To To see some photographs of Baker's Kinta Valley Estate, click here.