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Flood At The Royal Town Of Perak (Kuala Kangsar) – 1

Thumbnail :

Subject :Flood At The Royal Town Of Perak (Kuala Kangsar) – 1
Published By : None 
Location : Kuala Kangsar, Perak
Estimated Year : 1967
Media Type : Photograph
Source : Ian Anderson, Ipoh
Remark : This is the first half of a series of postcard-sized pictures, showing scenes of Kuala Kangsar taken during the floods (on 6th January 1967). The picture on the left shows the Royal Palace (Istana Iskandariah). The picture on the right shows part of the town, with the Post Office and the Clock Tower.

To know more about the Istana Iskandariah, click here.

To go to Part 2, click here.

Filename : 20110122-005