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The Moss Collection : Streets And Buildings (Taiping And Around Malaya) 1

Thumbnail :

Subject :The Moss Collection : Streets And Buildings (Taiping And Around Malaya) 1
Published By : None 
Location : Taiping, Perak
Estimated Year : 1900
Media Type : Photograph
Source : Bernard Moss, Ipoh, Perak
Remark : From left to right :

An unknown street, probably in Taiping

A view of an unknown street. Note the Dutch signboard on the far right which roughly translates as “E C van Langen Vleeschhouwern trading in cattle, vehicles, etc.”

Another unknown street with a trishaw and two coolies

These pictures were taken by Percival Moss, a tailor who sewed uniforms for the Malay States Guides and other military organisations.

To go to Part 2, click here.

To know more about Percival Moss, click here.

Filename : 20110806-026