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The Moss Collection : Streets And Buildings (Taiping And Around Malaya) 1
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Subject :The Moss Collection : Streets And Buildings (Taiping And Around Malaya) 1
Published By : None
Location : Taiping, Perak
Estimated Year : 1900
Media Type : Photograph
Source : Bernard Moss, Ipoh, Perak
Remark : From left to right :
An unknown street, probably in Taiping
A view of an unknown street. Note the Dutch signboard on the far right which roughly translates as “E C van Langen Vleeschhouwern trading in cattle, vehicles, etc.”
Another unknown street with a trishaw and two coolies
These pictures were taken by Percival Moss, a tailor who sewed uniforms for the Malay States Guides and other military organisations.
To go to Part 2, click here.
To know more about Percival Moss, click here.
An unknown street, probably in Taiping
A view of an unknown street. Note the Dutch signboard on the far right which roughly translates as “E C van Langen Vleeschhouwern trading in cattle, vehicles, etc.”
Another unknown street with a trishaw and two coolies
These pictures were taken by Percival Moss, a tailor who sewed uniforms for the Malay States Guides and other military organisations.
To go to Part 2, click here.
To know more about Percival Moss, click here.
Filename : 20110806-026