We've tried to ensure the information displayed here is as accurate as possible. Should there be any inaccuracies, we would be grateful if you could let us know at info@ipohworld.org . All images and content are copyright.
(Please click on the thumbnail for a bigger image.)
Towkay Lam Look Ing And His Wife
These photographs were kindly lent to us by the grandson of Towkay Lam Look Ing. We do not have an accurate date but we estimate that on the left he is seen as a young man in his early 20's. In the centre image is his "official" wife, Chan Kim Phan and to the right Lam aged, somewhat older. We estimate these two to be around 1930.
Our donor tells us that he grew up in 191 Hugh Low Street and was educated at ACS School before going overseas for futher education.
The final photograph above shows two of the Towkay's great grandsons, Alex and Desmond posing in the Ipoh street that once bore their great grandfather's name - until the street naming committee had their way.