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The Christmas Present

Thumbnail :

Subject :The Christmas Present
Published By : Leader Magazine by Freddy Bloom 
Location : Ipoh, Perak
Estimated Year : 1949
Media Type : Article
Source : Anonymous
Remark :

This article reproduced as an ipohWorld eBook was published by the Leader magazine in London on 31 December 1949. It looks back at life in a Singapore prison during the Japanese Occupation of Malaya. It was Christmas 1943.

The leader reads:

“A week after her marriage in Singapore, Mrs Bloom found herself a captive of the Japanese. Then, thrown together in misery, Occidental, Chinese and Sikh found that prison bars could not confine the human spirit. In Britain on Christmas Day in 1949, it is good perhaps to reflect on another Christmas in a far-off land just six years ago ….”

Leader Magazine was a weekly pictorial magazine published in the United Kingdom. The magazine was first owned by Pearson and then by Odhams. Later it became part of Hulton Press. The headquarters of the magazine was in London.The last issue of the weekly was published on 10 June 1950 and It was incorporated in Picture Post on 17 June 1950.

To read the full story, click on the link below.

  1. To read this ipohWorld original e-Book, click here. (e-Book 1 in pdf format)
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