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Press Cutting - The Super Spy Of Malaya

Thumbnail :

Subject :Press Cutting - The Super Spy Of Malaya
Published By : New Sunday Times 
Location : Ipoh, Perak
Estimated Year : 2007
Media Type : Article
Source : Ian Anderson, Ipoh
Remark :

The press cutting in this entry dated October 21, 2007 tells the story of Lai Tek, the triple agent.

The following are excerpts from the press cutting:

With a string of about 20 aliases and a bevy of mistresses whom he used as couriers and messengers, the story of Lai Tek is one of the most intriguing and little known tales of espionage and treachery to have emerged from our shores.

A cunning triple agent who was feted by the British, the Japanese and the French, Lai Tek infiltrated the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) to become its secretary-general from 1938 til 1947. His duplicity was discovered in late 1945.

The origins of Lai Tek, a Vietnamese of Chinese descent, are wrapped in mystery.

To see a photograph of Lai Tek, click here.

To read the full article on the "Super Spy", click on the link below.

  1. To read this ipohWorld original e-Book, click here. (e-Book 1 in pdf format)
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