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A View Of Batu Gajah
This divided back postcard by Union Postale Universelle Straits Settlements, shows the view of Batu Gajah. Looking at the size of the bungalows nestling among the trees, this is probably a view of Changkat Batu Gajah and the bungalows and other buildings erected for the British Administrators.
Changkat Batu Gajah was chosen to be the new centre of Kinta administration in 1884, as the Kota Bharu area was found to be unsuitable and unhealthy.
The new Batu Gajah public offices ('an ambitious brick structure') were built at a cost of $20,000 by the public works department and they accomodated the offices of the Collector, the Land Department, Chinese Protectorate and Court. The development also included a club for the Europeans, a hospital, a prison (gaol) and two churches with their respective graveyards. The card was sent to New Zealand.