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Leong Fu, Champion Of The World - Part 04 – UK Publicity

From left to right, top to bottom, the images show:
Top left and centre are scans of a wresting programme in Ossett Town Hall on February 21st 1957 in aid of Batley and District Association for the Welfare of Mentally Handicapped Children. The lead match was billed as an International Heavyweight contest between Lee Leong Fu (China) and John Allan (Halifax).
Top right is the cover page of an undated issue of Mat Review featuring Leong Fu posing on the front. The text discusses the legality of his "Nerve Chop".
Bottom left is a flyer advertising wresting at Harringay Arena, London on February 28th. Again Leong Fu fights Robert MacDonald in a contest billed as West v White heavyweight Clash with Leong as "Pigtailed exponent of the remarkable Eastern wresting art makes his first appearance in London". More simply MacDonald becomes "The heavyweight from Stornaway".
To go to Part 05, click here.