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The Funeral Procession Of Towkay Lau Ek Ching - Part 1

This set of photographs show the grand Chinese funeral procession of Towkay Lau Ek Ching in 1957. As for all funerals of this nature, the Chinese Associations and schools joined the cortege as it made its way from his mansion, through the streets of Ipoh to the Wesleyan Cemetery in Lahat Road.
There are the beautifully decorated vehicles, the leading car carrying the deceased photograph. The procession is long and includes traditional banners, lanterns and trappings such as arks (sedan chairs) to be burnt for the use of the departed soul and other items associated with such an important man's passing.
The photographs above taken outside the family mansion (in Pasir Pinji) show the mourners cars and the funeral vehicles preparing for the procession to the cemetery.
To go to Part 2, click here.
To read more about Lau Ek Ching, click here.