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St John's Anglican Church (Church Of St John The Divine) – The Temporary Church At The First Ipoh Courthouse

Before 1912, the community of St John’s Anglican Church worshipped at the Old Court House in Ipoh (near the Birch Clock Tower). As seen in the picture on the left and centre, the interior of the court house had been altered for the weekend services. The last service held at the court house was on Good Friday (April 5th 1912) at 6.30 pm. The picture on the right shows the front of the old court house, a rustic wooden building with shady trees all around. This was Ipoh's first court house, built in 1888, which has been replaced twice since.
To learn more about St John's Church history, click here.
To read more about the opening and history of the Ipoh Supreme Court, the Third Court House, click here.
To read more about Ipoh's Second Court House, click here.
To see a photograph of Ipoh's Third Court House, the Supreme Court click here.