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Leong Fu, Champion Of The World - Part 08 – Tag Match Against King Kong

These two scans cover a wresting tag match in Singapore just two weeks after Leong Fu and King Kong fought it out for the honour of Chinese Champion of the World and where the latter lost 4 teeth while the match ended in a draw. Clearly this was to be another fight to remember with Leong Fu partnering Sheikh Ali bin Yusoff in opposition to King Kong and Baron Von Heczey.
On the left above is a newspaper cutting from Singapore advertising the match and,
on the right is a poster announcing the contest at Happy World Stadium on November 16th 1957.
As described in earlier parts of this story Leong Fu meT and beat King Kong to become the World Champion. Unfortunately we have no further records of Leong Fu the wrestler but we would add, for the record, that both King Kong and Leong Fu are still highly regarded in the world of martial arts and this extract comes from one of their current (2012) blogs:
"King Kong' Asian wrestling Champion in the late 1950′s, was defeated in an epic Challenge match by late, equally lamented Grandmaster and Changquan Si Jo Leong Fu, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Leong Fu proceeded to become 3-times World Middleweight Wrestling Champion before retiring undefeated in 1965."