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Sybil Kathigasu Is Finally Reburied In St Michael's Catholic Church Cemetery, Church Road, Ipoh

Sybil Kathigasu's remains having arrived from Scotland by boat to Penang and then travelled home to 141 Brewster Road on 20th March 1949, one of the largest funeral processions ever seen in Perak took place on 21st March. Sybil the Ipoh heroine was treated in royal style and the people of Perak and further afield turned out to say goodbye.
The photographs (from left to right) show; the coffin leaving St Michael's church on the shoulders of the pall bearers after the Requiem Mass; A British Army Officer (possibly Captain David McFarlane) and a Missionary brother leading the coffin to the grave; Father Francois, St Michael's Parish Priest conducting the prayers at the graveside; a few of the hundreds of floral tributes that were brought to honour the Ipoh heroine.
The Convent of the Infant Jesus (now called The Main Convent) on Brewster Road forms the backdrop.
To read more about Sybil Kathigasu, click here.
To read about Sybil Kathigasu's funeral procession in Ipoh, click here.
To read about Sybil Kathigasu's burial in Scotland, click here.
To read more about St Michael’s Catholic Church, Ipoh, click here.