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(Please click on the thumbnail for a bigger image.)
12th Infantry Regiment Workshop REME 1955-57 (8)
The first picture shows the Sandicroft Building (Penang), while the second picture shows Smudge Smith, a 12 Inf Leicester lad, with Jan of the WVS. Our donor Alan Steel told us that:
"Sandicroft Leave Centre at Tanjong Bungah, run by the WVS, was a popular holiday venue for us. I spent my 21st birthday here in1956, and had a party organised by Jan of the WVS, followed by a dance attended by a busload of nurses from Penang Hospital. A truly memorable occasion".
We thank Alan for sharing these pictures with us. Alan was once part of the 12th Infantry Regiment Workshop REME, at Gunong Panjang (Gunung Panjang), Ipoh.