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The Jennings' Collection : Rosedale, The Jennings Hideaway At Kledang Hill

Here are three shots of J A S Jennings and his wife Freda at "Rosedale." This was their cottage at Kledang Hill Station that they used on weekends and holidays after they were married and before they built their "Rose Cottage" retreat in the Cameron Highlands.
On the left they pose in front of the Malay-style house in fancy dress prior to going into Ipoh for a party.
In the centre, Freda relaxes in the grounds of Rosedale.
Finally on the right they pose again in their fancy dress outfits.
To see a close-up picture of the Jennings in their fancy dress outfits, click here.
To see photographs of Rose Cottage in the Cameron Highlands, click here.
To see a photograph of the Jennings on their wedding day, click here.