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Brother Vincent Corkery - Brother Director Of St Michael’s Institution

Brother Vincent has, at the time of writing (2009) been associated with SMI, in one role or another for more than 50 years, during which time he has worked closely with Rev Bro Ultan Paul, held the post of Sub-Director and twice been the Brother Director, (1972-1975 and 1986-1988. Since being replaced by the first Lay Principal for 68 years, Mr Chong Suan Ee, he has been the senior Brother attached to the Ipoh La Sallian Centre which backs on to SMI and as such is still a familiar figure around the school.
Educated at University College, Dublin, he encouraged scholarly debate, creative writing, and aroused keen interest in the discussion of current affairs and issues. As Sub Director he was the man behind the Michaelian Chinese Instrumental Group and as Director decided to do away with streaming according to academic ability and to introduce mixed ability classes, thus giving the students a greater sense of teamwork and a sense of belonging, which in turn led to better academic performance.
He remains (in 2009) an ardent supporter of SMI and their link to the Old Michaelian Association (OMA). He is also the editor of "the michaelian spirit", the Association’s quarterly magazine.
To read more about Brother Ultan Paul, click here.
To read more about St Michael’s Institution, click here.
To read more about Mr Chong Suan Ee, click here.