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Lennie Brookes And Her Schooling Days In Ipoh

Lennie Brookes, our donor, lived in Ipoh from 1954 to 1957 whilst her father was stationed here and attached to the 15/19 King's Royal Hussars as the Company Sergeant Major Instructor (CSMI) responsible for the physical fitness of the Hussars.
Lennie Brookes recalls:
I lived in Ipoh from 1954 to 1957 whilst my father was stationed there attached to the 15/19 Hussars. What a marvellous time I had and have never forgotten it. We lived in Chung Thye Phin Road in a flat, part of the mansion of Chung Thye Phin and I first went to the Anglo Chinese school, then the Convent and finally I went to Slim school in the Cameron Highlands.
Later I served in the WRAF (Women's Royal Airforce) and was a nurse at RAF Hospital Changi from 1962-63.
I have been back to Malaysia a few times since and see that my old house is now a maternity hospital. My husband and I came back with other Veterans in 2007 to march in the parade in KL celebrating 50 years of Independence. What a marvellous time we had and it is something that will never be forgotten. Then, with me having been in the forces and in Singapore in 1962/63, Ray and I were lucky enough to be in the first group of people to be presented with the PJM (the medal Pingkat Jasa Malaysia) at the Malaysian High Commission in London. Malaysia is very close to both our hearts!
The photographs show, from left to right:
To read more about Lennie Brookes' father, click here.
To read more about Lennie Brookes' home in Ipoh, click here.
To read more Chung Thye Phin, click here.
To read about the introduction of the 'A' vehicle registration for Perak, click here.
To read about the Anglo Chinese Girls School, Ipoh, click here.
To read about Lennie's husband Ray and his service in Malaya with the 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters, click here.